
This is it

Be one


This is it: This moment is the only thing that is real. The past is gone and never to return. The future is not here and carries no guarantee that we will see it or that it will be anything like we imagine. This is the era in which I was created to live. This is my body, my mind and my spirit. This is my wife, these are my children, my family and friends. This is my moment, my shot. Take it.

Be one: Be at peace with God the father in humility and awe of his love and majesty. Be one with Jesus in deference to his Lordship and sacrificial brotherly embrace. Be one with the Spirit in compliance and rejoicing in His gentle guidance and intercession. Be one as they are one internally. Only the mind can control the impulses of the body and only the spirit can temper the fears and fantasies of the mind. Be one with all people as they are made in the image of the Trinity and share his breath. Be one with all creation as it exists within God.

Love: Love as an action word. Love requires presence and deliberate decision. Love requires courage and selflessness. Love is the ultimate expression of living in the moment, unity and existence.

John Ivey


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